Ok. You've reached the UTAU page! Congrats! Here I will post voicebank updates, new songs, talkloids, and all that beautiful UTAU stuff.

First, let me clear this out. I have 2 UTAUs. Inshu Kurutoaka and Kureiji Chisana. Their updates will mostly be posted separately, unless they are updated at the same time, which is rare. 

Here is the download link to their voicebank: http://www.mediafire.com/?36z73q8u6j5d2

Any use of my UTAU must be credited to ME and if posted on YouTube or any other video sharing site, WILL have you crediting me, darkraichu55.

Anyway, enjoy, and no bashing, plz. :3 

Kureiji Chisana

Kureiji is being re-recorded, she sounds much better.

Character Properties

Name: Kureiji Chisana
Race: Robot
Physical age: 10
Hair color: Green
Eye color: Red
Character item: Creamsicle/Scythe
Personality: Insane, yet clever. The only time she is not on a killing spree is when she is

with Inshu Kurutoaka. Kureiji loves stealing stuff, as her arm warmers were stolen from Miku Hatsune.
Special traits: Metal body
Headphones: White with Orange trim on one side

Inshu Kurutoaka

Has her first song done. 

Character Properties

Name: Inshu Kurutoaka
Race: Human
Physical age: 16
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Character item: Cherry/Tophat
Personality: Sometimes clumsy and dimwitted. Can get mean and bossy, but is normally laid back and calm. She often loses her tophat. Inshu likes to make drinks, and even though she is only 16, likes to drink alcohol every once and awhile. Other then that, she follows all rules.

Special traits: Huge rack, long dress. Normally doesn't wear shoes.
Headphones: Simple, black headphones with red ear-things.